
Love at First Sight-Wislawa Szymborska
Both are convincedthat a sudden surge of emotion bound them together.Beautiful is such a certainty,but uncertainty is more beautiful.Because they didn't know each other earlier, they suppose thatnothing was happening between them.What of the streets, stairways and corridorswhere they could have passed each other long ago?
I'd like to ask themwhether they remember-- perhaps in a revolving doorever being face to face?an "excuse me" in a crowdor a voice "wrong number" in the receiver.But I know their answer:no, they don't remember.
They'd be greatly astonishedto learn that for a long timechance had been playing with them.
Not yet wholly readyto transform into fate for themit approached them, then backed off,stood in their wayand, suppressing a giggle,jumped to the side.
There were signs, signals:but what of it if they were illegible.Perhaps three years ago,or last Tuesdaydid a certain leaflet flyfrom shoulder to shoulder?There was something lost and picked up.Who knows but what it was a ballin the bushes of childhood
There were doorknobs and bellson which earliertouch piled on touch.Bags beside each other in the luggage room.Perhaps they had the same dream on a certain night,suddenly erased after waking.
Every beginningis but a continuation,and the book of eventsis never more than half open.

      這是波蘭女詩人Wislawa Szymborska的作品,這首詩曾經被繪本作家幾米改編,而又出



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